Fish Friends Learning Results
"Success in life begins with education. In order to further ensure that our students meet the demands of a changing society, the school will expect demonstrated academic achievement from every student in accordance with standards that can be measured at the local, state and national level."(Madawaska Elementary School Statement of Purpose)
State of Maine Learning Results: 
Science and Technology:
Elementary Grades 3-4
L. Communication #1 Record results of experiments or activities and summarize and communicate what they have learned.
L. Communication #3 Reflect on work in science and technology using such activities as discussions, journals, and self-assessment.
Middle Grades 5-8
L. Communication #6 Identify and perform roles necessary to accomplish group tasks.
Middle Grades 5-8
B. Computation # 2. Create, solve and justify the solution for multi-step, real life problems including those with ratio and proportion.