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On Wed. May 7, 2008, Ms. Gina Jandreau's 4th grade science classes had a field trip to the Dug Brook Salmon Hatchery, just outside of Ashland, in Sheridan, Maine. The trip was coordinated between Ms. Jandreau and Atlantic Salmon for Northern Maine President, Ron Grover. Upon arriving at the hatchery, the students were shown an educational tape on salmon growth and river restoration. The hatchery is located on the Aroostook River where the salmon fry are raised from eyed eggs and distributed throughout the Aroostook river basin. Hopefully, many salmon survive the trip to the St. John River and make it to the Atlantic Ocean in New Brunswick and back to the Aroostook River in a year or two.

The tour and question and answer sessions were led by James Thompson, assisted by Winston Bagley, and Rene Cloukey Sr. Later the thirty-five 4th graders, their teacher, chaperons, and the bus driver ate their lunches in the lounge before making the trip back to Madawaska. Besides being available for tours, the ASNM club also provides eyed eggs and tanks to 11 schools for educational purposes. The students and adults had a great time and the club would like to thank the 4th graders, Ms. Jandreau, chaperones, and driver for their enthusiastic support. The students' interest and behavior were exemplary! Anyone wishing to take a field trip this May, can contact Ron Grover at 435-2591.