Maine State Library Project
A Fourth - Sixth Grade Salmon Conservation Project 
A status review of U.S. Atlantic salmon populations "have determined that a distinct population segment (DPS) of Atlantic salmon in the Gulf of Maine is in danger of extinction." (US Federal Register, November 17, 1999, Vol. 64 #221)
The Atlantic salmon of Maine are in need of our help. One way we can help is to understand the problem the salmon are facing. We need to also be aware of the current status of the salmon in our state.
Your job is to locate an article from the Bangor Daily News Archives which relates to the salmon dilemma in our state, Maine. You will write an editorial in response to the article you have read and present it to the class.
1. Go to the Bangor Daily News Archives at this address:
2. In the Date section, click and hold the date bar and choose, "is after".
3. To the right of the date bar, type in the date two (2) months before the date shown. (example: they have: 03/27/00, you type in: 01/27/00).
4. In the Article text contains section, type in, "Atlantic salmon".
5. Click Search, and a list of articles from the archives will appear.
6. Find a few articles about the Atlantic salmon dilemma in Maine that interest you and view them. Choose one and print it out.
7. Read the entire article you chose. Think of a position you want to take on this article (agree, disagree, partly agree or partly disagree).
8. Write an editorial to the newspaper using details to support your position.
Click here to see the rubric that is being used to assess your editorial.
State of Maine Learning Results
Click here to see which standards are being assessed in the Maine Learning Results.
Project         Learning Results           Assessment